"I am NOT running for me. I am running for WE! Ubuntu!"
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
● Build an intervention system focused on evidence based trauma-informed care for
● Assess the efficacy of the cell phone policy and hall pass system.
● Work to reduce disruptions.
● Introduce anti-bullying restorative programming to decrease bullying behaviors.
● Focus on ensuring the safety of all students, faculty, and staff.
● Take all school shooting threats seriously to prevent them from becoming a reality.
● Require all Student Resource Officers (SROs) to take Behavioral Threat Assessment
Training (BETA training).
○ Officers will be trained in mental health assessments and will work closely with school counselors, mental health practitioners, and social workers.
● Maintain and increase the on-time graduation rate of 87% by 2029.
● Continue to decrease the dropout rate by increasing outreach to at-risk students.
○ The current dropout rate is 4.20%.
● Introduce students to broader vocational opportunities beginning in pre-kindergarten to
help children learn about different careers and the opportunities available to them.
● Offer more career academy activities for all grade levels.
● Create programming focused on life skills development, social-emotional support, career
exploration, guidance and family engagement.
● Make school breakfasts and lunches free to all students regardless of family income.
○ Free breakfast and lunch will:
■ Increase the overall health, well-being, and school attendance by offering
free breakfast and lunch to all students.
■ Help alleviate income disparities for all students.
● Improve recruitment efforts by expanding the candidate pool.
● Create positive work environments by prioritizing teacher mentorship, alleviating
workloads, and providing robust professional development opportunities.
● Focus on faculty and staff retention by offering competitive salaries and support
● Monitor data on teacher vacancies and staffing turnover to identify specific areas of
● Focus on the needs and interests of our community/village. It takes a whole village to rear
our children and WE are the village!
● Encourage leadership with the voice of parents, students, and educators.
● Collaborate with non-profits, museums, universities, and businesses to create
opportunities for community outreach.
● Utilize the village as our resource to rear children to greatness.
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Thompson's Bookkeeping & Consulting